About Me

I’m a UC Berkeley alum who majored in Computer Science and minored in Data Science. I’m a self-motivated learner and enjoy exploring my passion for programming through industry experiences, contract work, and personal projects.

I’ve grown up in the Bay Area, and in my free time, I like to play tennis, basketball, and spikeball. I also love watching K-Dramas and eating ramen.



Engineering Fellow

Kleiner Perkins
May 2024 - Aug. 2024

Software Engineering Intern

Zip - Infrastructure Team
June 2023 - Aug. 2023

Automated the creation and management of cloud-hosted development environments for 70+ engineers using Bash Scripting, SSH tunneling, and AWS (EC2, VPC, Cloudwatch). Launched EC2 instances with pre-installed dependencies directly in Zip's VPC, reducing developer setup time by 95% and allowing engineers to seamlessly access the VPC's stateful services (ElasticSearch Clusters, MySQL DB). Implemented a cost-saving Cloudwatch alarm system that automatically stops EC2 instances with low CPU utilization. Reduced ElasticSearch reindex time, using database sharding to split up work and parallel Kubernetes pods to process work efficiently. Leveraged job duration logs stored in AWS S3 to dynamically rebalance job assignments for parallel workers, distributing work evenly.

Software Engineering Intern

DoorDash - iOS Infrastructure Team
May 2022 - Aug. 2022

Utilized Swift, SwiftUI, and XCTest to develop the Consumer App’s analytics events module (tracks user actions and settings) and network requests module (stores all of the backend’s network requests). Leveraged Swift data bindings and Combine publishers to implement modules with an MVVM architecture, separating domain logic from presentation logic and improving code modularization. Utilized the XCTest framework to increase test coverage in the Consumer App, creating unit and snapshot tests for the app’s restaurant view-models, commands, and displays.

Software Developer

Aurora Solar - Codebase
Aug. 2021 - Dec. 2021

Contracted by Aurora Solar through Berkeley Codebase to develop a customer admin portal using React.js, Blueprint.js, Docker, and Makefiles. Utilized React hooks, Blueprint components, and the Fetch API to build a responsive tenant space with full backend integration, allowing users to edit, create, and search for tenants. Designed Dockerfiles and Makefiles to containerize the admin app and automate Docker image builds across different environments, expediting web app deployment.

Software Developer

Postman Inc. - Berkeley Codebase
Feb. 2021 - May 2021

Contracted by Postman through Berkeley Codebase to create a suite of public cloud integrations, enabling Postman users to leverage Azure and AWS services in their APIs. Chained HTTP requests to Azure and AWS service endpoints to develop a website management integration, allowing users to manage API Schema, design authentication flows, and create blobs in the cloud directly from Postman. Wrote test scripts in Chai.js to parse API responses from various Azure services (API Management, Blob Storage, AD B2C, Repos) and AWS services (S3, Cloudwatch).

Software Developer

Berkeley Student Cooperative - Cal Blueprint
Aug. 2022 - May 2023

Contracted by Berkeley Student Cooperative through Cal Blueprint to develop a work shift web app using React, Typescript, Next.js, Firebase, and MaterialUI. Leveraged MaterialUI components and the Firestore API to create a responsive webpage that streamlines the process of shift assignment, incorporating an algorithm that matches workers to shifts based on availabilities and preferences. Devised and implemented the backend schema used to store members and shifts, following principles of modularity and abstraction.

Course Instructor

CS 198 - Web Design DeCal
Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2023

Lectured and created homeworks for CS 198, the leading web development class at UC Berkeley with 120+ students per semester. Helped students use HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Figma to build their own websites from scratch.

Undergraduate Student Instructor

CS 186 - Database Systems
Aug. 2023 - Dec. 2023

Developed course materials, hosted office hours, and taught discussion sections about core database systems concepts, including query optimization, distributed transactions, parallel query processing, and indexing mechanisms.


CS 170 - Efficient Algorithms & Intractable Problems
Jan. 2023 - May 2023

Hosted office hours to teach students about algorithmic concepts (Fast Fourier Transforms, graph decomposition, network flow, and NP-Completeness) and algorithmic frameworks (Divide and Conquer, Greedy, Dynamic Programming, and Linear Programming). Graded 500+ students' homework and exam submissions.

Academic Intern

CS 61A - The Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs
Jan. 2022 - May 2022

Taught 30+ students fundamental CS concepts in Python and SQL, including recursion, abstraction, OOP, and efficiency analysis.

Academic Intern

Data 8 - Foundations of Data Science
Jun. 2021 - Aug. 2021

Taught lab students how to use Python and NumPy as data analysis tools. Helped students learn various data science techniques, including hypothesis testing, linear regression, and classification.


B.A. in Computer Science, Minor in Data Science

University of California - Berkeley
Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2023

GPA: 4.00

Activities: Berkeley Codebase, Cal Blueprint, CS 186 - Database Systems (uGSI), CS 198 - Web Design DeCal (Instructor), CS 61A - The Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs (Academic Intern), CS 170 - Efficient Algorithms & Intractable Problems (Reader), Data 8 - Foundations of Data Science (Academic Intern)


CS 61A - The Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs

CS 61B - Data Structures

CS 61C - Computer Architecture & Machine Structures

CS 70 - Discrete Mathematics & Probability Theory

CS 161 - Computer Security

CS 162 - Operating Systems

CS 170 - Efficient Algorithms & Intractable Problems

CS 186 - Database Systems

CS 198 - Web Design DeCal

CS 375 - Teaching Techniques in Computer Science

EECS 16A - Designing Information Devices & Systems I

EECS 16B - Designing Information Devices & Systems II

DATA 8 - Foundations of Data Science

DATA 100 - Principles and Techniques of Data Science

Languages & Tools

Languages - Java, Python, Go, Swift, C, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, SQL, R, RISC-V Assembly, x86 Assembly

Frameworks / Libraries - React.js, Redux, Next.js, MaterialUI, Blueprint.js, SwiftUI, XCTest, Chai.js, NumPy, Pandas, JUnit, Matplotlib, Sklearn

Tools - Bash Scripting, Git, GitHub, Figma, Postman, Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes, AWS, Datadog, Docker, Makefile, Firebase

Personal Projects

Java VCS
July 2021
Sorting Visualizer
June 2021
Pathfinding Visualizer
July 2020
Sudoku GUI
June 2020